Redding Shade Tree Petition

To: Redding City Council

Redding Tree Ordinance Petition,

Local Relatives....

Redding Tree Ordinance Petition,
To: Redding City Council

The City of Redding has a Tree Management Ordinance that was adopted in 2006 and needs to be updated and strengthened into a new Tree Ordinance for the following reasons:
Trees are a valuable asset to every city as they provide shade, beauty, habitat for animals, sequester CO2 gases, reduce air pollution, and reduce the heat island effect in the City. The beauty of native trees in Redding that brought many people to live here is being degraded.
We are rapidly losing our tree canopy in Redding as many of the street and parking lot trees do not adapt to our hot environment.
Street and parking lot trees are poorly maintained and a new Tree Ordinance will help ensure their upkeep and survival.
Native oak trees and other trees along the I-5 corridor between South Bonnyview Road and Cypress Avenue are rapidly being cut down.
The current Tree Management Ordinance does not require mitigation for the removal of native trees in developments, both subdivisions and commercial.
The current ordinance does not provide for penalties if trees that are marked to be saved are not protected during construction.

It is for these reasons that we the undersigned who live, work and/or shop in Redding urge the Redding City Council to strengthen or adopt a new Redding Tree Ordinance so it insures our native trees and urban forest are protected.

%%your signature%%

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